Thursday 19 May 2011


Nine months ago I invested quite a bit of money to help me shoot pictures and short films, and purchased the Canon 550D EOS DSLR camera.

I had looked into various different reviews the bloggers and experts had given, and all highly recommended it..but I still wasn't sure. I kinda spent a few months going back and forth on deciding if should I do buy it by reading all the articles I could on it. There was one in particular that proved really helpful, a review from a French film-maker who is known by his youtube name Andyax.

The link to the actual video:

He also shows you how make your own shoulder rigs and filming equipment, plus he makes cool shorts that he enters to festivals so definitely check him out.

What attracted me to the camera was its ability shoot pictures at 18.0 mega pixels and film at full HD, what else would I need? Sound? Well it has a standard but a very good quality internal microphone. Unlike its predecessor the Canon 500D it can support a external microphone. I still use the 18-55mm lens that it came with, even though I would love to get a bigger one being a student doesn't help much. Might have to drop some hints round the ole' birthday time.

Nine months down the line what do I think, well I have made a few films and taken hundreds of pictures with what I think is an amazing camera and definitely would hold onto it for many years. I would recommend 550D to anyone who needs a good value for money camera for either professionals or beginners.

Some stills I took from the last nine months..

Images by Leen Thevarajah © Copyright

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